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Sicilian Baroque or Montalbano Tour

Sicily, land of Siculi, Sikani and Elimi, of Greeks and Romans, of Byzantines and Normans, of Aragonese and Bourbons...
But also the land of Etna, of the sea with a thousand colors and flavours, of hidden lakes and rivers...
Sicily, land of "Nature and Culture"... Nature which with its course has forged the culture of this people who have been able to adapt to the unpredictability of their land, so strong but also so weak, shaken and moved by climatic events, volcanic and tectonic.
Precisely following one of the strongest tectonic events recorded in Sicily, which affected the South-Eastern part in 1693, the the architecture of the Late Sicilian Baroque of the Val di Noto, characterized by a strong decorative expression that combined cultured architecture with artisanal tradition; the particularity of this architectural and artistic style was recognized in 2002 as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO which identified eight cities in particular (Catania, Militello in Val di Catania, Caltagirone, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa, Modica and Scicli) with the name of Late Baroque City of the Val di Noto.
Ragusa's area is forcefully inserted into this fascinating architectural scenario, having remained unknown to mass tourism for decades (it still is), which has on its side, in addition to the typical monuments of the Baroque style, the spectacular nature of the sites in which the nestled inhabited centers are located among the hills and valleys of the Iblei Mountains: Ragusa, Modica and Scicli are the places to discover and admire in all their unique and inimitable beauty.
Since 1998, thanks to the TV series "Il Commissario Montalbano" taken from the novels by Andrea Camilleri and adapted cinematically to the Ragusa area by director Alberto Sironi, the beauty of these places has been exported throughout Italy and also throughout the world, attracting thousands of visitors from everywhere.
Sicilian Baroque Tour or Montalbano Tour are programs designed for all those who want to discover this part of Sicily: in particular we offer daily or half-day itineraries for those who want to do a "hit and run" or a weekly program for a " full immersion" in the Ragusa area and beyond.

Daily tours

Our daily tours will take you to discover the main places of the "Ragusan Baroque", which were the set of the TV series "Inspector Montalbano"; we will visit Ragusa Ibla, Modica and Scicli, the true jewels of this architectural style.

Weekly tour

Our weekly program offers a "full immersion" in the Late Baroque of the Val di Noto; we will visit the World Heritage cities and more...

We will combine history with nature for an unforgettable experience.

Tour by Night

This tour offers an extra experience!!! The charm of the places and art combined with the "mystery" of the night, which makes the landscape made of houses, houses, palaces and churches unique in the world enchanting...

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